Please note that abstracts of all papers accepted for the Conference will be printed in the Abstract book and full papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings on the CD ROM.
Your abstract for publishing should be integrated in your camera ready paper as shown on the example at next page. After the abstract please continue with the paper body text, according to instructions:
- Use Microsoft Word
- Paper should not exceed 8 pages of A4
- Main text of paper: Single spacing
- Type face: Times Roman 12 point
- Binding margin: 35 mm
- All other margins: 25 mm
- Title: (16 point): Bold upper case (as shown)
- Names of author(s): Bold up/lower case (as shown)
- Address(es) of author(s): Italic (as shown)
- Abstract: Maximum 150 words (as shown)
- Keywords: Maximum of five, upper/lower case
- Main headings: Bold upper/lower case; 12 point
- Sub-headings: Italic bold upper/lower case
- references: Harvard system, listed at the end alphabetically by author
- Figures: Please ensure that Figures fit between the margins specified above. All graphics and tables should be put inside the text at the place where it refers to.
Example of the first part of paper . . . download