Registration form ![]() |
Prijavnica za članove HSGI![]() (poseban program) |
SPECIAL SESSION :Education and research in organization, technology and management in construction Thursday September 21 st 2006 ; hours : 9.00 – 13.00 During the Conference a half day session will be organized for dissemination of key information about the status of education and research in construction management, technology, organization, economics and low. We expect that we shall have information from more than ten universities from several central or southeast Europe countries. Beside sharing information about the status and problems in education within the stated area, we shall discuss the platform for future development. Our conclusions will be sent to academic institutions and officials. The idea is that each Head of Department or his/her Deputy or Delegate deliver report that includes short description and relevant data about education and / or research within specified topics at his /her faculty. All delivered papers about education and /or research will be published in the conference proceedings, so it will be possible to learn about practices, problems and experiences gathered by other academic institutions. It is planned that key note speaker will put together all relevant data and prepare presentation about the overall situation and comparative issues. Also, there is possibility for each contributor to deliver short presentation (10-15 minutes maximum) about key data from report. Interest for presentation should be announced while submitting the report.
The report form includes following issues: Education and research in organization, technology and management in construction “Name of university and faculty, country” 1. Education1.1. Status of new curricula according to Bologna process for a: bachelor, master and PhD program - description of concept (please name programs and put quantitative data about each program duration, academic degrees,) , first experiences, financing issues, teaching at foreign language, mobility of students and professors,..., etc. 1.2. Describe The status of subjects related to organization, technology and management generally and in each program. Indicate the share (contribution) of those subjects in each existing program, what are trends- more or less those subjects in program, description of teaching hours and credits per particular subject... 1.3. Is there any particular Stream or program oriented exclusively to organization, technology and management in construction , if yes please describe it. 1.4. Proposals for Future development of education on organization, technology and management in construction – contributor view : what should be done in the future regarding education within the specified area 2. Research2.1. Please name Current research project within specified area that are under the realization at your faculty, put name of principal researcher, address and e-mail 2.2. Future research projects planned in next year – which areas will be particularly focused and why 2.3. Interest for cooperation in future research projects , demands and offers for partnerships or collaboration 3. Conclusion and appendix- tables with structures, other relevant information and supplements |