Title: Present-day utopias: climate-friendly cities
Original Title: Utopije današnjice - "climate-friendly" gradovi
Authors: Anja Milovanović, Nađa Kurtović-Folić, Olivera Lekić
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5592/CO/ZT.2017.29
First page: 265 Last page: 271
Publish date: 18.9.2017 Publish date online: 18.9.2017
Abstract: The climate change has become increasingly evident and its destructive power has immeasurable negative consequences for our planet and its normal functioning. Humans have contributed to the intensity of these changes by their actions and have unfortunately made a reversible option almost impossible. A global collective unawareness of the consequences of human actions is one of the biggest problems of today’s world, which practically prevents a full-fledged struggle for the return of our ecosystem to its original normal form. Even though humans have fantasized about utopias and ideal cities, they have made the world a place far away from ideal. In addition, humans have totally ruined the former balance between man and nature. Nevertheless, initial steps in the climate struggle have been made, and the main principle everything is based on is the rational use of energy, and reduction of emission of negative substances in order to minimise human factor that could influence climate change. Construction of cities involving a special set of measurements and principles is stated as one of possible levels of action to be taken in this respect. Creation of the so called “zero” architecture is identified as an ultimate goal at the architectural level of action.
Sažetak: Promjena klime postaje sve očitija i njena razorna moć ostavlja nesagledive negativne posljedice na naš planet i njegovo normalno funkcioniranje. Čovjek je svojim djelovanjem doveo do intenziviranja negativnih promjena i nažalost učinio reverzibilnu opciju gotovo nemogućom. Kao jedan od najvećih problema današnjice, koji onemogućava zaista ozbiljnu borbu za povratak našeg ekosustava u normalno stanje, jest globalna, kolektivna nesavjesnost o posljedicama djelovanja čovjeka. Iako je maštao o utopijama i idealnim gradovima, svojim postupcima čovjek je doveo svijet u kome živi u stanje daleko od idealnog. Štoviše, on je sasvim narušio nekadašnju ravnotežu između prirode i samog čovjeka. Pionirski koraci u bitci s klimom su napravljeni, a glavni princip na kome se sve zasniva je racionalna uporaba energije i smanjenje emisije negativnih tvari, kako bi se osnovni ljudski faktori koji utječu na promjenu klime sveli na minimum. Kao jedan od nivoa djelovanja navodi se i gradogradnja u okviru koje je razvijen zaseban set mjera i principa. Za ultimativni cilj na nivou arhitektonskog djelovanja identificirano je stvaranje tzv. nulte arhitekture.