Title: Laboratory tests of masonry arch bridges including tests of the connection behavior
Original Title: Laboratorijska ispitivanja zidanih lučnih mostova, uključujući ispitivanje ponašanja veza
Authors: Mladen Kustura
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5592/CO/ZT.2017.28
First page: 185 Last page: 189
Publish date: 18.9.2017 Publish date online: 18.9.2017
Abstract: Masonry arch bridges as perhaps the most beautiful architectural works of man but also as the basic aspect of connecting and joining people and cultures separated by river barriers deserve special place and special care to continue serving their purpose. The very way of building masonry arch bridges deserves special attention and detailed study because experience and knowledge have led to representative buildings that serve their purpose and have been attracting attention throughout the centuries. Research regarding such constructions will provide realistic insight into the way of behavior and their duration. The aim of the doctoral dissertation is to determine the influence of different materials on the quality of the behavior of the elements of the stone wall that builds arch bridges in the seismic conditions. It is intended to obtain a realistic picture of the efficiency of the elements of the stone masonry in intense vibration conditions, as well as the way of breaking the distribution of bridge damage. Laboratory tests should give results in the form of shifts, accelerations, deformations and all other dimensions of interest to assess the seismic stability of arch bridges walled with stone.
Sažetak: Zidani lučni mostovi kao možda najljepši arhitektonski uradci čovjeka, ali i kao osnovni oblik povezivanja i spajanja ljudi i kultura razdvojenih riječnim preprekama, zaslužuju posebno mjesto i posebnu brigu kako bi i dalje služili svojoj namjeni. Sam način gradnje zidanih lučnih mostova zaslužuje posebnu pozornost i detaljno proučavanje, jer su iskustvo i znanje doveli do reprezentativnih objekata koji služe svojoj namjeni i plijene pozornost kroz stoljeća. Istraživanje ovakvih konstrukcija omogućit će realne spoznaje o načinu ponašanja i njihovu trajanju. Rad u sklopu doktorske disertacije ima za cilj utvrditi utjecaj različitih konstitutivnih materijala na kvalitetu ponašanja elemenata veza kamenoga ziđa kod lučnih mostova u seizmičkim uvjetima. Namjera je dobiti realnu sliku o učinkovitosti elemenata veze kamenoga ziđa u uvjetima intenzivne vibracije, kao i način loma s distribucijom oštećenja luka mosta. Laboratorijska ispitivanja trebala bi dati rezultate u obliku pomaka, ubrzanja, deformacije i svih drugih veličina od interesa za procjenu seizmičke stabilnosti lučnih mostova zidanih kamenim ziđem.