Research Journal of The University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering

Organization, Technology & Management in Construction: An International Journal
ISSN 1847-5450 print / ISSN 1847-6228 online
udc 62:658(05)

Abstracting/Indexing: The papers published in Organization, Technology & Management in Construction: An international Journal are abstracted/indexed by: EBSCO, INSPEC, ProQuest Science Journals

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5. Mária Kozlovská, Marcela Spišáková:

Contruction waste generation across construction project life-cycle


The construction and demolition waste (CDW), which is produced by the construction process, presents 33% of the total waste stream in European Union in year 2010 (Eurostat 2010). A construction and demolition waste is generated during whole life cycle of construction - design phase, realization phase, occupation phase and demolition phase. On the other hand, the sustainable design of construction in the design phase presents possibility for the significantly reduce a volume of generated construction waste. In this phase, we are able to identify and quantify the volume and sort of construction waste. Based on this information, it is possible to determine the possibilities of construction waste disposal and the costs for its treatment. This paper deals with proposal of options to reduce construction and demolition waste in the design phase as well as in the realization phase of constructions. The first part of paper describes possibilities of modern methods of construction use in the design phase of construction. The second part of paper describes the opportunities of cost reduction for the construction ways disposal. There are also analysed the foreign studies focused on the quantification of construction waste generation in the design and realization phase because the waste quantification provides a necessary tool for evaluating the true size of the wastes and hence making the adequate decisions for their minimization and sustainable management. The conclusion of paper involves a proposal of cost prediction for construction waste disposal through the most widely used of Slovak construction-economic software Cenkros Plus.

Keywords: Construction, Life cycle of construction, Construction and demolition waste (CDW), Waste disposal, Quantification of construction and demolition waste, Modern methods of construction (MMC)