Research Journal of The University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering

Organization, Technology & Management in Construction: An International Journal
ISSN 1847-5450 print / ISSN 1847-6228 online
udc 62:658(05)

Abstracting/Indexing: The papers published in Organization, Technology & Management in Construction: An international Journal are abstracted/indexed by: EBSCO, INSPEC, ProQuest Science Journals

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<<Table of Content

9. Maja-Marija Nahod:

Scope Control Through Managing Changes in Construction Projects


Projects need to be performed and delivered under certain constraints. Traditionally, these constraints are scope, time and cost. The Scope Control process influences the factors that lead to project scope changes and control the impact of those changes, which a key issue for project success. It ensures that all requested changes and recommended corrective actions are processed and that changes are reduced or eliminated if they result in negative impact on projects. The scope control is considered from the investor’s point of view, as achieving the project goals is of primary importance for the investor. The theoretical basis for the research is Dynamic Planning and Control Methodology (“DPM”). Practical implications and adjustments are obtained, to result in an efficient system for managing changes throughout a project. Research was conducted through questionnaire and interviews. Findings include reasons for and consequences of changes from the point of view of various stakeholders in the project, as well as recommended procedures for objective and practical management of the changes. The study discusses the basic constraints: cost and time. Further research should focus on quantifying and determining the quality impact of changes and impact of the project manager’s competencies on managing changes. The recommended procedures are applicable for any building construction project, but specific goals and constraints have to be incorporated into the calculation. Furthermore, a database of projects and changes could be created to facilitate preliminary assessments of the impact of changes on future projects.


Managing changes, Building Construction Projects, Project Change, Dynamic Planning