Europe, and especially Spain has been suffering an ongoing economic, social and political crisis. The construction industry sector has been one of the most affected.
Project Management professionals in the construction industry are obliged to make a critical analysis of their results and methodology
applications used in recent years.
In this paper a methodology has been developed for parameterization
and monitoring of projects, portfolios and programs from both the public or private Construction Promoter's point of view -the real engine of the project-. This methodology analyses their responsibilities and those of the stakeholders throughout the project's lifecycle, and allows the Promoter to make decisions
based on accurate, realistic and factual knowledge.
The project's full data is completely accessible by the Promoter. Thus the Promoter is able to develop a Project Portfolio Management and Business Intelligence.
The Next step in the methodology evolution is transferring it to an ICT tool, for a promoter's systematic application.
Project management will assist in providing a social improvement,
this method is associated with current social demands at all levels and sectors -Transparency- thus allowing real-time monitoring of the building project's status throughout all stages of the project's life cycle.
Keywords: Transparency, Project Portfolio Management, Construction Promoter, Parameterization, Decision Making Process, Real-time, Business Intelligence