...of accomodation


!! Prezentacija o pijedlogu Zakona o arhitektonskoj i inženjerskoj djelatnosti u prostornom uređenju i gradnji

!! Nacrt Zakona o arhitektonskoj i inženjerskoj djelatnosti u prostornom uređenju i gradnji

!! Orešković: Zakon o prostornom uređenju i gradnji i djelatnosti kojih nema






Preliminary program (Summary) - 17-20 September 2008

Detail Conference Program

Preliminary Program of Academic Forum (Thursday, 18.9.08.)

(Croatian) Program okruglih stolova (Thursday, 18.9.08.)

(Croatian) Prijavnice za raspravu- Okrugli stol - Nacrt novog Zakona

(Croatian) Prijavnica za raspravu - Okrugli stol - Upravljanje građenjem


The Conference will be divided into two parts.

The first part will be dedicated to an exchange of information among the participants on the concepts, methology of instruction, curricula and syllabuses in organization, technology and management in construction offered at their respective universities. An important aspect of the discussions will be the adjustments of curricula to the needs of the construction industries of countries in transition and of their economies in the process of accession to the European Union. Also, research projects carried out at various universities, so as case studies from practice will be presented and possible cooperation discussed, with special reference to the EU research programmes.

The second part of the Conference ill consist of presentations of scientific / technical papers by participants, to be published in the Conference Proceedings.