23.04.2019. - 27.04.2019. , Građevinski fakultet, Zagreb
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Milena Stavrić, Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Institut za arhitekturu i medije
, TU Graz
Short bio:
Milena Stavrić graduated from the University of Belgrade and worked as an assistant and lecturer from 1994 to 2004
at the University of Belgrade. Since 2004 she teaches at Graz University of Technology,
Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Architecture and Media and since 2019 as an Associate Professor.
She is a visiting professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, at the University of Applied Sciences Joanneum in Graz
and at the University of Novi Sad in Serbia and has given guest lectures at several
universities - Mexico, Hamburg, Istanbul, Maribor and Banja Luka - as well several courses at
various universities in Europe in the context of research projects with the aim of implementing digital technology
in architecture and education. In addition, she continuously organizes exhibitions of works by her students.
She is the author of Springer Verlag's book 'Architectural Scale Modeling in the Digital Age' and has worked
on several research projects such as 'Non-standard architecture using ornaments and plane elements' (2009-2012) and
'Geometric Processing in Architectural Education' (2010 -2013), funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
and is an active participant in COST actions.
Albert Wiltsche, Ass.Prof. Mag.rer.nat. Dr.techn.
Institut za arhitekturu i medije
, TU Graz
Short bio:
Albert Wiltsche studied Descriptive Geometry and Mathematics at Graz University of Technology and at the University Graz. Between 1994 – 1995 he taught one year Geometry and Mathematics at Oeversee High School in Graz. From 1994 – 1996 he was assistant at the Institute of Geometry at Graz University of Technology. Between 1997 and 2006 he worked as assistant professor at the Institute of Geometry and was involved in the training of teacher, engineering, civil engineering and architecture students. In 2000 he received his PhD at Graz University of Technology with the dissertation topic “Interpolation of points of a regular triangular net”.
Since 2007 he works at the Institute of Architecture and Media at Graz University of Technology and does research in the field of applications of geometry in architecture. He led the FWF research project “Non – standard architecture with ornaments and planar elements”.
Albert Wiltsche is also a visiting professor at the University of Novi Sad in Serbia.
Cilj ove petodnevne radionice je upoznati studente s parametarskim modeliranjem i CNC izradom pomoću laserskog rezača. Tema radionice je parametarski dizajn raznih arhitektonskih oblika, od paviljona do fasadnih elemenata, koristeći odgovarajuće geometrijske plohe poput translacijskih, rotacijskih, NURBS ploha itd. Oblike ćemo modelirati, diskretizirati i pripremiti za izradu modela u CAD programu Rhinoceros3D, zatim izrezati laserskim rezačem i naposljetku ručno sastaviti.
Radionica će završiti prezentacijom i izložbom izrađenih modela u auli Fakulteta u predvečerje zadnjeg dana.
Katedra za geometriju i fiziku, Građevinski fakultet, Zagreb
Sonja Gorjanc
Dora Pokaz
Helena Koncul
Iva Kodrnja