At the 13th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historic Construction (SAHC) held in Kyoto, Antonela Moretić presented paper “Vulnerability Assessment: Comparison of Empirical and Analytical Approach – Case Study in Zagreb, Croatia“.

At the 13th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historic Construction (SAHC) held in Kyoto, Karlo Ožić presented paper “Post-Earthquake Assessment and Possibilities for Management of Existing Masonry Buildings“.

At the 13th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historic Construction (SAHC) held in Kyoto, Ivan Hafner presented paper “Improving the Seismic Response of Masonry Piers with Single-Sided FRCM Coating Using Clamping Details – Numerical Modelling“.

At the Zajednički Temelji 2023. – uniSTem conference held in Split, Luka Lulić presented ARES project.

At the 6th ICCAUA conference held in Istanbul, Luka Lulić presented paper “Non- and Semi-Destructive Assessment Methods Used in Croatia After Recent Earthquakes“.

At the 2nd Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (2CroCEE) held in Zagreb, Mislav Stepinac presented paper “Seismic and Energy Upgrading of Existing RC Building“.

At the 2nd Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (2CroCEE) held in Zagreb, Luka Lulić presented paper “Comparison of NDT and SDT Methods for the Post-Earthquake Assessment of Existing Masonry“.

At the 2nd Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (2CroCEE) held in Zagreb, Mija Klasić presented paper “The Case Study of Prince Rudolf Infantry Barracks – Assessment, Modelling and Reconstruction“.

At the 15th International Conference on Organization, Technology and Management in Construction (OTMC) held in Dubrovnik, Mislav Stepinac presented paper “Using of Modern Technologies in Post-Earthquake Assessment“.

At the 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (3ECEES) held in Bucharest, Luka Lulić presented paper “The role of flat-jack testing after recent earthquakes“.
At the 16th HKIG conference held in Opatija, Domagoj Damjanović presented paper “Investigation works in scope of rehabilitation design of earthquake damaged building“.

At the 2nd International Conference TMM-CH Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage held in Athens, Mislav Stepinac presented paper “The Role of UAV and Laser Scanners in the Post-earthquake Assessment of Heritage Buildings after the 2020 Earthquakes in Croatia“.

At the 1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (1CroCEE) held in Zagreb, Tomislav Kišiček presented paper “Calculation of masonry in-plane shear strengthening“.

At the 1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (1CroCEE) held in Zagreb, Mislav Stepinac presented paper “The role of assessment in the proper rehabilitation of existing structures“.

At the 1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (1CroCEE) held in Zagreb, Ivan Hafner presented paper “An insight into The Masonry Quality Index (MQI) method for the visual assessment of existing masonry structures“.

At the 1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (1CroCEE) held in Zagreb, Luka Lulić presented paper “Damage assessment after the Zagreb earthquake – the case study of the educational building“.