- 2019 – 2020 Lectures: “Earthquake Engineering” & “Precast Concrete Structures”, excersises: “Concrete and Masonry Structures 1”, “Concrete and Masonry Structures 2”
- 2008 – 2019 Teaching assistant on subjects “Timber Structures I”, Timber Structures II”, ‘’Lightweight Structures’’, “Concrete Structures“, “Structural engineering – basis of design”
Journal papers
- Stepinac, Mislav; Kišiček, Tomislav; Renić, Tvrtko; Hafner, Ivan; Bedon, Chiara
Methods for the Assessment of Critical Properties in Existing Masonry Structures under Seismic Loads — The ARES Project // Applied Sciences-Basel, 10 (2020), 5; 1576, 15, doi:10.3390/app10051576 - Stepinac, Mislav; Šušteršič, Iztok; Gavrić, Igor; Rajčić, Vlatka
Seismic Design of Timber Buildings: Highlighted Challenges and Future Trends // Applied Sciences-Basel, 10 (2020), 4; 1380, 14 doi:10.3390/app10041380 - Stepinac, Mislav; Cabrero, Jose Manuel; Ranasinghe, Keerthi; Kleiber, Marion.
Proposal for reorganization of the connections chapter of Eurocode 5. Engineering structures. 170 (2018) , 2018; 135-145 - Hunger, Frank; Stepinac, Mislav; Rajčić, Vlatka; Van de Kuilen, Jan-Willem.
Pull-compression tests on glued-in metric thread rods parallel to grain in glulam and
laminated veneer lumber of different timber species. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 74 (2016) , 3; 379-391 - Stepinac, Mislav; Rajčić, Vlatka; Hunger, F.; Van de Kuilen, J. W. G.
Glued-in rods in beech laminated veneer lumber. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 74 (2016) , 3; 463-466 - Stepinac, Mislav; Rajčić, Vlatka; Barbalić, Jure.
Inspection and condition assessment of existing timber structures. Građevinar: časopis Hrvatskog saveza građevinskih inženjera. 69 (2017), 03; 861-873 - Stepinac, Mislav; Rajčić, Vlatka; Žarnić, Roko.
Timber-structural glass composite systems in earthquake environment. Građevinar: časopis Hrvatskog saveza građevinskih inženjera. 68 (2016), 03; 211-219 - Steiger, René; Serrano, Erik LU; Stepinac, Mislav; Rajčić, Vlatka; O’Neill, Caoimhe; McPolin, Daniel; Widmann, Robert.
Strengthening of timber structures with glued-in rods. Construction and building materials. 97 (2015) ; 90-105 - Stepinac, Mislav; Rajčić, Vlatka; Barbalić Jure.
Influence of long-term load on timber-concrete composite systems. Građevinar: časopis Hrvatskog saveza građevinskih inženjera. 67 (2015), 3; 235-246 - Rajčić, Vlatka; Čizmar, Dean; Stepinac, Mislav.
Reconstruction of the Technical Museum in Zagreb. Advanced materials research. 778 (2013); 919-926 - Stepinac, Mislav; Rajčić, Vlatka; Čizmar, Dean.
Learning from Case Studies: Timber Tower of Gospić Cathedral and traditional timber church. Advanced materials research. 778 (2013); 927-934 - Rajčić, Vlatka; Stepinac, Mislav; Barbalić, Jure
In Situ Advanced Diagnostics and Inspection by Non-destructive Techniques and UAV as Input to Numerical Model and Structural Analysis – Case Study // Communications in Computer and Information Science, 962 (2019), 359-371 doi:10.1007/978-3-030-12960-6_24
Books and chapters in scientific books
- Rajčić, Vlatka; Čizmar, Dean; Stepinac, Mislav.
Riješeni primjeri iz drvenih konstrukcija.
Zagreb: Građevinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2014 - Cabrero, Jose Manuel; Stepinac, Mislav; Ranasinghe, Keerthi; Kleiber, Marion.
Results from a questionnaire for practitioners about the connections chapter of Eurocode 5. Design of connections in timber structures. Editors: Sandhaas, Carmen; Munch-Andersen, Jorgen; Dietsch, Philipp, Aachen: Shaker Verlag Gmbh, 2018., Pages: 3-17. - Ranasinghe, Keerthi; Cabrero, Jose Manuel; Stepinac, Mislav; Kleiber, Marion.
Proposal for a new structure of the connections chapter. Design of connections in timber structures. Editors: Sandhaas, Carmen; Munch-Andersen, Jorgen; Dietsch, Philipp, Aachen: Shaker Verlag Gmbh, 2018. Pages: 19-23. - Stepinac, Mislav; Ahac, Saša.
Problematika zapošljavanja mladih nakon završetka diplomskih studija na građevinskim fakultetima u Hrvatskoj. IZAZOVI U GRADITELJSTVU 4 – Hrvatski graditeljski forum 2017. Editor: Lakušić, Stjepan, Zagreb: HSGI, 2017., Pages: 152-173. - Steiger, Rene; Serrano, Erik; Stepinac, Mislav; Rajčić, Vlatka; O’Neill, Caoimhe, McPolin, Daniel; Widmann, Robert.
Glued-in rods. Reinforcement of Timber Structures. Editors: Harte, Annette; Dietsch, Philipp, Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2015., pages: 133-161. - Bedon, Chiara; Eliášová, Martina; Honfi, Dániel; Kozłowski, Marcin; Machalická, Klara V.; Vokáč, Miroslav; Santos, Filipe; Stepinac, Mislav; Wüest, Thomas
Structural Characterisation and Performance Assessment of Adaptive Facades // Building Performance Simulation and Characterisation of Adaptive Facades – Adaptive Facade Network / Favoino, Fabio ; Loonen, Roel ; Doya, Maxime ; Goia, Francesco ; Bedon, Chiara ; Babich, Francesco (ur.). Delft, Nizozemska: TU Delft Open, 2018. str. 166-177
Selected conference papers
- Stepinac, Mislav; Rajčić, Vlatka; Honfi, Daniel. Condition Assessment of Timber Structures – Quantifying the Value of Information // Proceedings of the 40th IABSE Symposium. Nantes, France
- Stepinac, Mislav; Rajčić, Vlatka; Žarnić, Roko.
STRUCTURAL GLASS // Proceedings of the WCTE 2018. Seoul, South Korea, 08/2018. - Rajčić, Vlatka; Stepinac, Mislav; Barbalić, Jure.
STRUCTURES // Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Construction Materials for Sustainable Future, 2017. 658-663 - Harte, Annette; Jockwer, Robert; Stepinac, Mislav; Descamps, Thierry; Rajčić, Vlatka; Dietsch, Philipp.
Reinforcement of timber structures – The route to standardisation // Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, Shatis ’15, Wroclaw, Poland 2015. 78-89 - Antolinc, David; Žarnić, Roko; Stepinac, Mislav; Rajčić, Vlatka; Krstevska, Lidija; Tashkov, Ljubomir.
Simulation of earthquake load imposed on timber-glass composite shear wall panel // COST Action TU0905, Mid-term Conference on Structural Glass, 2013. 245-252 - Stepinac, Mislav; Hunger, Frank; Tomasi, Roberto; Serrano, Erik; Rajčić, Vlatka; van de Kuilen, Jan-Willem.
Comparison of design rules for glued-in rods and design rule proposal for implementation in European standards // CIB-W18 meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 08/2013.